Insect Pests

Nematode Distribution Survey in Michigan Wheat Growing Areas

2023 Report:  Final Plant-Parasitic Nematode Distribution Survey in Michigan Wheat

Research by Dr. Marisol Quintanilla, Elisabeth Darling, Razieh Yazdani

In the second and final year of this project, Dr. Quintanilla expanded the number of Michigan wheat fields observed. The team took 1,500 samples across 30 wheat fields during their respective harvest times.  The nematodes were isolated from the soil, as well as from 1-gram root samples.

Quintanilla’s research indicated that while the root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus spp.) was found in 90% of surveyed fields, in no location did it exceed the threshold of 200/100 cu. cm. of soil. Root lesion nematodes were more prevalent in wheat fields with sandy/loam soils vs. loam/clay soils.

Click below to review the 2023 final written report and data charts on this project.

2022 Report:  First Plant-Parasitic Nematode Distribution Survey in Representative Wheat Growing Areas in Michigan

Research by Dr. Marisol Quintanilla, Elisabeth Darling, Luisa Parrado, et al.

In 2022, Dr. Quintanilla undertook Michigan’s first-ever survey of the prevalence of common plant-parasitic nematodes in winter wheat. The survey took place in five Michigan wheat producing counties: Jackson, Oceana, Monroe, Sanilac and Tuscola.

Nematodes can be very damaging to wheat yields, and build up over time due to crop rotation and lack of nematicidal soil treatments.  Using soil and root samples, Quintanilla’s team found seven common nematode genera in wheat fields. They reported that 73% of their root samples on these farms included root lesion nematodes, and that 100% of the Michigan wheat fields sampled had at least one root lesion nematode.

In the next step, individual nematodes were isolated with special focus on three root lesion nematode species. If future work is funded, the team would like to study root lesion nematode impacts in greenhouse conditions to learn which wheat varieties are more or less tolerant of the nematodes.

Click below to review the 2022 final written report on this project.
