2nd and 3rd speakers focus on wheat production and soil considerations
Lansing, Mich. (February 21, 2021) – The Michigan Wheat Program’s Wheat-tastic Wheat Wisdom Webinar series steps into week #2 on February 24 with popular speaker Phil Needham of Needham Ag Technologies in Calhoun, Kentucky. The weekly programs occur via Zoom and Facebook, beginning at 8 a.m. on Wednesdays and running about 90 minutes.
The next two programs in the Wheat Wisdom Webinar series focus on wheat production and soil considerations. Needham’s Feb. 24th presentation is Fall Wheat Management and Combine Residue Management.
Needham grew up on a family farm in Eastern England, graduating from Lincolnshire College of Agriculture and then the Cranfield University with a 4-year agricultural technology degree. He moved to the US in 1989 to expand a European crop management program that’s credited with doubling Kentucky wheat yields over 20 years.
After founding Needham Ag Technologies in 2006, he began working directly with Midwest growers and gives 70 crop management and equipment seminars a year. He has written five books on winter and spring wheat management, and has an alliance with Farm Journal Media, writing articles and conducting Farm Journal Wheat College events. Needham is considered a “vehicle of technology” for the way he transfers wheat management research and experience between different production regions!
The third Wheat Wisdom Webinar, set for 8 am on Weds., March 3 features Dr. Romulo Lollato, associate professor of wheat and forages production, Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas. Lollato will speak on Checkoff into Practice: Research on high-yielding wheat in Kansas.
Lollato got his BS degree in Agronomy in Brazil, and MS in Plant & Soil Sciences and Ph.D. in Crop Sciences, from Oklahoma State. He’s now Associate Professor of agronomy at Kansas State, specializing in wheat and forages. Lollato is associate editor for Agronomy Journal, and reviewer for several other ag journals. He grew up on a wheat-corn-soybean farm in Brazil.
The main production speaker will be featured after Michigan Wheat Program executive director Jody Pollok-Newsom provides an update on Michigan Wheat Program activities. Terry Henne from WSGW, will emcee a question-and-answer session for the main speaker, after he concludes. There is 1 CCA and 1 RUP credit for each workshop – so long as participants attend on the Michigan Wheat Program/MSU Extension Zoom link and take the survey at the end to enter their information.
To register for the Michigan Wheat Program/MSUE Zoom link, visit www.miwheat.org and look at the “What’s Hot” box on the left. Register there and you will receive an email with the link and instructions to access the Zoom webinar on the Monday prior to the event.
The Michigan Wheat Wisdom Webinars are also broadcast live via Facebook. Check in through your Facebook account and watch at Michigan Wheat or MSU Extension Field Crops. Through a partnership with Terry Henne and WSGW, you can view the webinar at the Facebook pages of WSGW Radio, Farm Service 790, and 94.5 The Moose. Neither CCA nor RUP credit are available for the sessions when viewed on Facebook Live. In order to get the credits, you must participate via zoom.
The remaining Wednesday Wheat Wisdom Webinar line-up is:
Feb. 24, 8-9:30 am – Phil Needham, Fall Wheat Management and Combine Residue Management, Needham Ag Technologies of Calhoun, Kentucky.
Mar. 3, 8-9:30 am – Dr. Romulo Lollato, Checkoff into Practice: Research on high-yielding wheat in Kansas, Associate Professor of Wheat and Forages Production, Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas.
March 10, 8 am-9:30 am – Dr. Pete Berry, Enhancing Wheat Yields in Europe and the US, Head of Crop Physiology and Principal Scientist, ADAS, in North Yorkshire, England.
March 17, 8-9:30 am – Peter Johnson, Fine Tuning Wheat, Wheat Expert and retired Provincial Cereal Specialist for Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, in Ontario, Canada.
Mar. 24, 8-9:30 am – Dennis Pennington, Wheat Crop & Research Update, Wheat Specialist, Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan
As is customary, the Michigan Wheat Program’s 2021 Winter Wheat Wisdom Webinars will be free of charge to Michigan wheat farmers and friends of the Michigan wheat industry. Advance registration is required, so that you will receive the link prior to the event. Visit www.miwheat.org and register under the “What’s Hot” link on the left.
The Michigan Wheat Program is funded by nearly 8,000 farmers who grow wheat in 50 of Michigan’s 83 counties. The Michigan Wheat Program board seeks to support the state’s wheat industry by funding and supporting the strategic priorities of wheat farmers working with input suppliers, seed producers, millers, end users and consumers. Research on wheat production practices and grower education has been a continued focus for the organization. For more information on the Michigan Wheat Program visit its website at www.miwheat.org.