8 a.m. — Welcome and Introductions to the Virtual Field Day – Dave Milligan, MI Wheat Program Chairman
8:05 a.m. — Welcome to the Virtual Field Day – Jim Kells, MSU Professor and Project GREEEN Coordinator
2020 Field Day – Welcome and Event Introduction (video below)
8:10 a.m. — Presentations
Weed Management, Dr. Christy Sprague
Precision Planting Wheat, Dr. Manni Singh
Disease Management, Marty Chilvers and Martin Nagelkirk
Wheat planting/Seeding Research and Scouting Report, Dennis Pennington
Wheat Grain and Straw Production, Dr. Kurt Steinke
Wheat Variety Improvement, Dr. Eric Olson
10:10 a.m. — Regional Wheat Crop Reports
10:50 a.m. — Michigan Wheat Yield Contest – Jody Pollok-Newsom, MI Wheat Program Executive Director
10:55 a.m. — Closing Comments, Evaluation Survey
11 a.m. — Adjourn
The Michigan Wheat Program is a state-check off program voted in by the state’s wheat farmers to assess each bushel of wheat grown and sold. The funds from the program are utilized to further the wheat industry in the state benefitting the state’s nearly 8,000 wheat farmers who grow about 450,000 acres of wheat annually producing about a 40 million bushel crop.